Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Show and Tell A

Happy Birthday Avremy

Circle Time

our calendar1

the horn that is a shofar can be soo loud!

honey to taste!

books to enjoy!

Sweet New Year

cutting out sweet foods!
apple dipped in honey- or is that paint?

the fun goes on and on!

you've got mail-

our visiting mail man really drove the lesson we got to see him pick up our packages!

we love our friends and toys!

what is that we hear? toot toot!

we painted and laced our special shofars to announce the King on Rosh Hashanah!

snack time

what does happen after lunch?

spinkle sprinke fairy dust! time to wake up after nap time!
we are publishing a special book on the apple tree seasons.

sorting in many place!

looking for the Letter B

looking for yellow and black to make our bees!